This is a White 1997 Express Enclosed 3 Car Hauler Trailer, 49 Foot Overall Length, 102 Inch Overall Width at Fenders, 10 Foot Overall Height Not Counting the Air Conditioning Units, with a 39 Fo
For Sale
1997 Express Enclosed Trailer 49' 3 Car Enclosed Trailer
$19,999 USD

This is a White 1997 Express Enclosed 3 Car Hauler Trailer, 49 Foot Overall Length, 102 Inch Overall Width at Fenders, 10 Foot Overall Height Not Counting the Air Conditioning Units, with a 39 Foot Main Deck, 2 5/16" Ball Gooseneck Hitch, Torsion Suspension, Electric Brake Tri-Axle with 6 Bolt Aluminum 15 Inch Wheels with All New Trailer 15 Inch ST225/75R15 Delta Trailer King 10 Ply Load Range E Tires, All New Brake Backing Plate Assemblies, Freshly Turned Brake Drums, New RV 7 Flat Round Plug and Connector wire, New Break-Away Battery, All External Lights Work, 3 Passenger Side Entry Doors, Dual Rear Swing Doors with Hinged/Fold Down, Sideways Sliding Adjustable Ramps, Diamond Plate Flooring, White Aluminum Covered Walls and Ceiling, Continuous E-Track Tie Down Rails, 4 Floor Mounted D-Rings, 12 Volt Battery Powerered 5500 lb Nose Mounted Winch with a Front Access Door, 3 Roof Top, Externally Powered A/C Units, 1 Roof Vent, 110 Volt Interior lights, 93 Inch Interior Width, 83 Inch Rear Door Height. It is currently set up for a 2 5/16" Round Ball Hitch, (or can be converted to a semi-truck pin), and has a Dual Hand Crank Activated Landing Gear. It has a continuous ramp running from about the axles all the way up and into the nose of the trailer. This is ready for the road or can be used as a 3 car garage for Corvettes, exotic sports cars or other smaller vehicles.
This high dollar, high quality trailer has the typical 7 Pin Flat RV style plug to attach to the tow vehicle, safety chains and battery powered break-away connector. It was originally set as an outdoor display trailer and later converted to haul exotic cars with the addition of custom built inside ramps that run one car up in the nose, one partially on the ramp and the floor and the rear one on the floor. NOTE: We just installed 6 new electric brake backing plate assemblies, turned the drums and ran new brake wiring. We also replaced all the tires with new heavy duty trailer tires. This trailer is located in the Detroit Metro Area. Possible partial trades accepted.
If this is not what you need, we have many other trailers for sale, 18 foot dove tail tandam axle wood deck flatbed car haulers, 24' enclosed, 28' enclosed, open tilt-bed flatbeds 5th wheel, 44' enclosed 5th wheel and others including a 2015 24' white V-Nose tandam axle enclosed car hauler, a 2014 24' black V-Nose tandem axle enclosed car hauler, a 2018 Grey 24' V-Nose enclosed, 1995 44' triaxle with 3 vendor doors enclosed swap meet/2 car+ hauler, an open fifth wheel tiltbed/flatbed triaxle 2 car hauler, a 39' Vendor/2 axle 2 car hauler, 18' open tandem axle car haulers and many others including open and enclosed small single axle trailers.
29069 Calahan Road, Roseville, Michigan 48066-1805
586-772-0000, 800-828-7228, (800-UC-TRACY)
(We will also consider trade in Corvettes for partial credit!)
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