This is available, what is left as and assmbly or for individual parts. We are sell all or parting out the remainder of a Black 1985 Olds Cutlass Salon with a nice front end, hood, trunk lid, rear axl
1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Salon

This is available, what is left as and assmbly or for individual parts. We are sell all or parting out the remainder of a Black 1985 Olds Cutlass Salon with a nice front end, hood, trunk lid, rear axle, 700R4 automatic transmission, sport steering wheel, right hand door, most of the window glass, frame, transmission crossmember, front sway bar, jack, 4 14" steel wheel with 1 year old tires and some misc. interior trim. We believe a lot of the parts will fit 1983 83 1984 84 1985 85 1986 86 1987 87 and 1988 88 Cutlasses, but do your own research to make sure. 586-772-0000, 800-828-7229, (800-UC-TRACY)
29069 Calahan Road, Roseville, Michigan 48066-1805
586-772-0000, 800-828-7228, (800-UC-TRACY)
(We will also consider trade in Corvettes for partial credit!)
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